Caps for New First Home Buyer Scheme Revealed
The property price caps in each state have been revealed for the federal government’s new first home buyer scheme. Read on to find out the maximum value of a property you can purchase under the scheme.
We pride ourselves in providing you the most personal service and expert advice you deserve.
We have an experienced team who has genuine and long-term relationships with a large range of banks and financial institutions.
This means we can provide you with the flexibility and choice and ultimately the right option for your particular needs. Our team of brokers are available to meet with you at our new offices or at a venue convenient to you.
The best part of it all is that we do not charge you for our services. Why? Because we are paid by the lender on settlement of your loan.
At Clearstone Lending, we take a holistic approach to all your borrowing needs. Whether it’s a new home, refinancing an existing home, growing your investment portfolio or even buying a new car, we’re here to guide you to achieve the best outcome
Understand your drivers, purpose and goals
Ensure we factor in all your considerations preference and circumstances
Pull together your lending strategy based on what we know.
We guide you though the process end to end, keeping you updated, informed and educated.
Ensuring you aren’t paying more interest than necessary, assisting with future property opportunities and that the loan is always best suit for needs.
Whether you’re a first-home buyer, looking to refinance or a sophisticated investor, Clearstone Lending’s experienced consultants can make all the difference. Our in-depth knowledge of the mortgage industry and commitment to tailoring solutions aligned to individual circumstances sets us apart from the rest.
Experience tranquility. Speak with us today.
The property price caps in each state have been revealed for the federal government’s new first home buyer scheme. Read on to find out the maximum value of a property you can purchase under the scheme.